Wellness Exams & WellCare Plans
WellCare Plans
We recommend annual wellness exams for dogs and cats under 7 years of age so we can help maintain their optimal health. Since pets over 7 years of age are considered seniors, their bodies change at a faster rate, so a wellness exam every 6 months is ideal to help keep them healthy and happy. Twenty percent of lab tests performed during routine check-ups reveal medical conditions that would have gone undetected, such as diabetes, and kidney or thyroid disease.
What takes place during your pet’s physical exam?
- Abdomen – check for any masses or abnormalities, make sure non-painful on palpation
- Ears – check for any masses, ear infection, inflammation
- Eyes – check optic nerve, blood vessels, changes to cornea, or lens (ex. cataracts)
- Genitals – check for any abnormalities
- Heart & Lungs – check heart rate, respiratory rate, any changes to lungs (ex. crackles or wheezes). Check for any heart changes (ex. heart murmur or arrhythmia).
- Lymph Nodes – check for enlargement
- Mouth – check for masses or evidence of dental disease, other abnormalities
- Musculoskeletal – check for any soft tissue swelling, pain, evidence of arthritis, changes in muscle mass.
- Rectal exam – depending on age check prostate and for any masses.
- Skin – check for any redness, inflammation, evidence of infection.
Do not wait for symptoms to appear. Early detection can save your pet’s life! Call (908) 852-3515 to book a wellness exam today!
WellCare Plans
To take the guesswork out of wellness care for your pets, you might consider purchasing one of our affordable WellCare Plans, which include unlimited preventive care for one whole year!
How do our WellCare Plans work? It’s simple—pay one price for one year of preventive care services for your pet.
Our goal is simply to ensure that we will have the opportunity to provide the highest standard of veterinary care for the long-term health of your pet. That’s what our WellCare Plans are all about.
All of our plans cover unlimited fecal parasite testing, intestinal deworming treatments, nail trims, teeth brushings, ear cleanings, and simple anal gland expressions.
Puppy WellCare Plan includes:
- New puppy 101 folder for resourceful information
- Four wellness exams
- Annual vaccines
- Annual bloodwork
- One heartworm/Lyme disease test
- First doses of flea/tick and heartworm prevention
- Medical waste fees
Canine WellCare Plan includes:
- Two wellness exams
- Annual vaccines
- Annual bloodwork
- Medical waste fees
- ProHeart (12 mo. heartworm injection)
- Unlimited teeth brushing
Senior Canine WellCare Plan includes:
- Two wellness exams
- Annual vaccines
- Senior wellness bloodwork
- Two preventive X-rays
- Medical waste fees
- ProHeart (12 mo. heartworm injection)
- Unlimited teeth brushing
Kitten WellCare Plan includes:
- Three wellness exams
- Annual vaccines
- Annual bloodwork
- One FELV/FIV Test
- Medical waste fees
Feline WellCare Plan includes:
- Two wellness exams
- Annual vaccines
- Annual bloodwork
- Medical waste fees
- Unlimited teeth brushing
Interested in purchasing a WellCare Plan for your pet? And peace of mind for you? Give us a call at (908) 852-3515 today!